Resilience in a Challenging World

Paris feeling the heart of the world, supporting and caressing it during a historically heart breaking, difficult week. The bloody attack to Frances sense of Liberty was shaken to its roots with the “Je suis Charlie” massacre. Yet just some days later the people of France from all walks of life stood tall, gathering in the heart of Liberty in Paris in unison showing an outstanding degree of resilience given the disturbing and fearful events of the past week.

It is often thought those who seemingly get on with life in times turmoil do not feel the depths of darkness that others do, or that they are not in touch with reality, or they deny the existence of evil or negative deeds in the world.

There is no escaping difficult times, it is a part of life, just as the good times are. Yet what is it about people that seemingly stand, continue and in time experience the good life after such horrific events? It has a name; ‘Resilience’!

‘Resilience’, also known as ‘Grit’ comprised of a combination of psychological factors; thoughts, behaviours and actions, work in unison providing courage, strength, motivation, the ability to stand tall and continue during difficult times.

How to grow resilience?

  1. Make and maintain close, trusting relationships with family and friends and community groups. They provide support, safety and stability.
  2. Maintain a positive attitude about yourself, the world and your future.
  3. Continue to make plans and action them, regularly.
  4. Manage strong feelings and impulses, so as to not act on them hastily.
  5. Take care of yourself. Engage in pleasurable activities.
  6. Reflect on how you managed in previous difficult situations and recognise what you did well and what were your strengths
  7. Write, meditate, exercise…do what it is that helps you process and continue to move forward.
  8. Talk, to someone trusted and/or seek the help of a psychologist.

‘Resilience’ is fostered, it is a process, whereby you identify what helps you and the need to be aware and understand the strong emotions that come with experiencing a terrifying event. Managing these emotions when situations arise that require balance so you can continue to participate in daily life.

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