Coach and leaders wellbeing, development and ethics
Increasing and transforming workplace engagement and wellbeing with Solution Focused, Positive Psychology Coaching and LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®
Eclorev provides 1 - to - 1 coaching in person or electronically, group coaching, training and co-development coaching groups.
In the Workplace
Areas of focus are:
- Executive and Workplace Wellbeing
- Positive leadership
- Your Best Self at Work
- Character Strengths for successful team cohesion
- Organisational and team goal alignment
- Resilience
- Soft Skills and Communication
- Expatriate Adjustment
Coaching and training is evidenced based, from principles of positive psychology and wellbeing; 'optimum human functioning and performance'.
Research tells us that positive psychology coaching increases:
- Engagement at work
- Happier workplaces
- Wellbeing
- Sense of being valued
- Life and work satisfaction
- Collective consulting and mentoring
and decreases:
- Days off work
- Burnout
Lady Leaders:
Lady leaders - Wellbeing, Personal and Leadership Development
- Coaching for Transition, Expatriate Life Satisfaction and Wellbeing
- Transition management: Creating a meaningful life abroad
Women in Business:
- Finding confidence through Positive Psychology
- Grow your business with Mentoring & Coaching groups
- Time management strategies for working mothers
The Trailing Spouse:
Research has shown the 'trailing spouses' experience and happiness is pivotal to the wellbeing and satisfaction of their families expatriation experience. It is vital to wellbeing that expatriates identify personal and professional goals in addition to their broader family purpose when pursing the expatriation experience.
Strengths based Co-Coaching Development
A dynamic small group 2 hr structured and dynamic program with an infusion of positive psychology.
Co-coaching development removes concerns of authority, enabling an open and honest reflection, sharing and advice giving to resolve identified topic or issue, and attain insight to what you bring to work through the project goal with the infusion of positive psychology practices.
To consolidate the learnings from the co-coaching development, follow up 1-to-1 coaching is advisable.
Clients of Strengths base co-coaching development
- Leadership
- medium sized business
- micro-entrepreneurs
- ladies in business
'Positive Education' - wellbeing for students, parents and teachers.
We provide tailored made workshops founded on Positive Psychology Coaching theory and research, designed to suit your school and universities needs.
Example Workshops:
- Wellbeing at Home and School
- Positive Leadership at School
- Strengths and School
- Emotional Awareness
- Mindset for Success
- Positive Relationships
- Resilience
- Mindfulness
Contact us today to discuss your training or coaching needs.
‘I highly recommend Wendy’s professional skills as coach - whether work or life related. I was amazed at the simplicity and speed at which Wendy helped me to identify tangible actions on a personal challenge I was facing. Each session built my confidence and awareness of the value of my strengths as well highlighting a drive to be more brave! My circumstances changed for the 2nd session flexing her approach, highlighting her agile thinking and focus which appeared without effort. With many tools in her toolkit it’s clear (I enjoyed strengths cards & Lego sessions), she listens with real interest, without judgement and poses at times quite bold questions to really get you thinking.’
Jo Storey - Director of Operations
‘Expressing myself through Lego was a good experience for me, it really permitted me to think about time where I could have used the lessons I learned during this course, and actually improve the situation I was in.'
'Imagine talking to a friend who listens intently, remembers details from weeks ago, picks up on the nuances of what you say and helps you to notice patterns and motivations in your reasoning that reveal what is most important to you. Wendy deftly does just that in her coaching, helping clients define what matters most and establishing actionable steps to achieve their goals. Non-judgementaland compassionate, Wendy guides clients to success through emotional development and accountability.’
Vanessa Watson - Freelance Marketing and PR Consultant
‘My experience with Wendy was highly valuable as she was able to assist and guide me in understanding the steps I need to take to reach both personal and professional goals. As a young person entering the professional world, I now have more tools and to help me navigate my pathway.’
Alexandra Perestrelo - Visual Merchandising / Image Design - Chanel
‘Thanks for giving us a great introduction to ”Lego Play” – it was very interesting. Your approach as a group trainer is fab – you are approachable and real which makes is easy for participants to question you without feeling silly. I learnt so much and enjoyed your no non-sense attitude.'
'...She has participated in trainings for Masters students, Executive students and professionals, in areas of Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology. She has been well appreciated by the students and participants, who have found her accessible and down to earth in her professional approach, who also appreciate what her experiences as a coach and psychologist bring to her training. I have witnessed her coaching skills first hand and found her to be a strong coach, quickly identifying core issues...'
Dr Ilona Boniwell - Director of Positran
'Wendy's experience in the field of coaching psychology and teaching was visible in her clear definitions, explanations and examples. During the individual supervision, I was impressed by her easiness in formulating questions and her capacity to build rapport and make me feel at ease. If it would be to name just one thing I have learned from her is that in evidence based coaching, the coach must "know why they are doing what they are doing".'
Dana Moldeavenu - Positive Coaching Psychologist