Wendy-Ann Smith
PostGrad Cert in Coaching, Bsc Psych, Dip Management & Leadership
Coaching with Wendy-Ann will...
Evoke Self Reflection, Challenge to Evolve, To Create, To be the Leader of You and Your Life
VIA Character Strengths
Strengths Finder
Wendy-Ann is a trained coach, registered psychologist in Australia and France, author and photographer. She owns and manages her coaching consultancy practice ECLOREV based in the Western Suburbs of France with a Europe wide client base.
Wendy-Ann develops tailored development, wellbeing, resilience and mentoring workshops based on positive coaching psychology principles for leadership, education both University and International Lycees, women in business, expatriate women and the broader community. She also develops and facilitates mentoring training workshops for Women in business.
She is an accredited workshop facilitator of LEGO® Serious Play® for Positive Psychology, Executive Coaching, Solution Focused Coaching, Coaching Psychology and Emotion Focused Therapy.
Her publications are:
- Book Chapter: ‘Positive Psychology Coaching for Positive Leadership’ in edited book Positive Psychology Coaching in Practice (2019)
- Editorial: Expatriates in Paris Magazine as the ‘Resident Psychologist’
Wendy-Ann has a special interest in the practice of positive psychology coaching in the areas of: strengths use in vision alignment, positive relationships, engagement of emotions, resilience and mindfulness in organisations, leadership and education.
Wendy-Ann is a member of the only English Speaking Lions Club in France: Lions Club Yvelines Heraldic. She leads and manages internal and external projects. Wendy-Ann has been been club membership coordinator during 2015-2017 and was President 2017-2018.
Registrations and Affiliations
* Australian Psychology Board Registration No: PS0104807
* French Psychology - Numéro français : ADELI 78931225
* The British Psychological Society No: 260332
* International Society for Coaching Psychology
* International Positive Psychology Association
* European Positive Psychology Association