Positive Psychology Coaching in the Workplace

This research-to-practice text explores how coaching can support thriving in the workplace. It focuses on positive psychology coaching in the workplace in relation to: the convergence with organisational psychology and coaching psychology, professional and ethical practices, resilience and wellbeing, team and systemic approaches,...Read More

Self-Care for Women

Womanhood, the challenge! Too often as women we find our lives determined by circumstance. Juggling the roles of partner, mum, daughter, and a myriad others, it is all too easy to lose sight of your needs, playfulness, creativity, aspirations and...Read More

Christmas Alone in the City of Lights

It is getting near that time of year. The lights are up but not yet turned on. Decorations are spanning the width and length of the avenues, silently waiting to glow and light the cold wintery nights. It can’t be far away now. Your thoughts...Read More

Expatriate Life – Asking The Question “Who Am I?”

Who am I? A question often unconsciously asked in our teens, then again in our twenties, and frequently becoming a conscious question in our thirties. Until finally we reach the 40-something age bracket with a strong sense of who we are. Moving to another country, culture and language, we may well find...Read More

Resilience in a Challenging World

Paris feeling the heart of the world, supporting and caressing it during a historically heart breaking, difficult week. The bloody attack to Frances sense of Liberty was shaken to its roots with the “Je suis Charlie” massacre. Yet just some days later the people of France from...Read More